The number of benchmark samples for this model as a percentage of all 67,866,182 RAM Kits tested
CPU | |
Core i9-10900XIntelBench 85%, 6,322 samples | 247x |
Core i9-10980XEIntel $1,100Bench 84%, 4,959 samples | 198x |
Core i9-10920XIntel $850Bench 87%, 3,007 samples | 108x |
GPU | |
RTX 3090Nvidia $1,399Bench 210%, 158,856 samples | 137x |
RTX 3080-TiNvidia $660Bench 204%, 155,335 samples | 82x |
RTX 2080-TiNvidia $441Bench 156%, 357,946 samples | 75x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 43% - Average | Total price: $1,489 |
See how consistently different RAM Kits perform with varying real world conditions. The charts also illustrate overall performance, popularity and rank.