The number of benchmark samples for this model as a percentage of all 67,866,341 RAM Kits tested
CPU | |
Core i7-3770Intel $297Bench 69%, 278,207 samples | 2,080x |
Core i7-2600Intel $136Bench 67%, 185,630 samples | 1,608x |
Core i5-3470Intel $49Bench 63%, 223,595 samples | 956x |
GPU | |
HD 2000 (Desktop 1.1 GHz)IntelBench 1%, 150,891 samples | 1,322x |
SVGA 3DVmwareBench 20%, 11,474 samples | 1,153x |
GTX 1050-TiNvidia $59Bench 29%, 946,701 samples | 1,081x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 64% - Good | Total price: $322 |
See how consistently different RAM Kits perform with varying real world conditions. The charts also illustrate overall performance, popularity and rank.